Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mystic mangroves

Elcho Island in the Northern Territory has mangroves in abundance all over the island. These mangroves are on the south-west of the island just past the barge landing. They are mysterious and beautiful, and unlike the mangroves in the cairns and Daintree region, don't stink. Their roots systems are incredible. Naturally this photo was taken as low tide so you can see just how extensive and unusual their root systems actually are. Taken in May 2008.
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  1. I really love the nature photos on your blog, so different from Canada. It is my dream to go visit Australia one day...Come visit my blog and leave me your comments. I will add your blog on my favorite links; if you do want to, let me know and I will remove it

  2. Thanks Andre for your kind words, I will come and visit your blog and the more linking, the merrier.
