Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fon on the Skytrain

Fon on the Skytrain in Bangkok in December 2009


  1. Hi Jeremy and Fon,
    I really enjoyed this photo, but you probably know why. Firstly, of course, it's a great shot of Fon, and secondly, I nearly missed you in the shot, taking the shot.
    Since you always seem to be missing from this blog, I'm going out on a limb and saying it's you. Isn't it? It has to be, doesn't it?
    PS Fon's portrait is almost finished, but I have a horrible habit of re-working paintings as long as they're here. I'll do my best to call it done and send it your way...soon!

  2. Yes, it is me :-). Fon can't wait for the portrait!
