Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fon in Christchurch

Fon in a cafe on Cathedral Square in Christchurch, New Zealand in November 2010


  1. Hi Jeremy,
    Great photos of Fon. And you'll be pleased to know that just a couple of days after I sent my whiny, excuse-laden email, something hit me and I mostly re-did Fon's portrait. This may shock you as well...I am actually happy with the work and how she looks! Just need to work on her hair a bit and (fingers crossed) it should be on its way to you soon. Keep the great photos coming!
    And finally, I believe I speak for my fellow countrymen in sending along best wishes to those Queensland citizens so seriously affected by the record floods. The images of the situation on TV were hard to believe.

  2. Thanks Gary. Exciting news. Yes the floods in Queensland were unbelievable. I used to live in Bundaberg in the early 90s, so I can really feel for them
